cumbria partnership nhs foundation trust’s new headquarters
Rory opened the new Penrith Headquarters of the Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust on Friday 11th February 2011. He was also shown the innovative developments in mental health and learning disability services in Cumbria. Trust Chair Bryan Betterton launched the first issue of the Learning Network’s new research journal which publishes research from eminent clinicians, and Rory Stewart also visited the new Café Inspire. Operated by Eden Mencap and staffed by volunteers who are gaining work experience as part of the BakeIt programme, Cafe Inspire provides a training environment for young adults who move on to part and full-time work in other environments.
Rory said: “I’ve loved learning about all of these developments that are taking place right here on our doorstep. In a rural community, it’s very important that we are at the forefront of the latest developments in mental health and learning disabilities services, and I’m pleased to hear that staff are being supported to develop in a way that brings this best practice into our communities. The Cafe Inspire project is absolutely wonderful: clearly, the young adults working here are learning valuable skills in a relaxed and friendly environment, whilst providing a social outlet for the members of the Learning Network. It’s such a great example of how one simple idea can benefit so many. This is a great project for Penrith, and for Cumbria.”
Presenters at the event include Consultant Clinical Psychologists Professor Dave Dagnan, Ron Siddle, and Dr Richard Thwaites, on subjects including dementia, early intervention in psychosis and improving access to psychological therapies. The event also outlined ongoing plans to ensure that staff are supported with high quality training opportunities that enhance the care provided to patients.
Bryan Betterton, Chair, said: “The Learning Network was set up to inspire staff to take every opportunity to grow, discover, try new things and share best practice for the benefit of our service users and carers. We’re delighted that Rory came to visit us today.”
The Cafe Inspire Team with Rory