Rory Stewart, MP for Penrith and The Border, was honoured to speak at the 41st Cumbria Young Farmers Club AGM at the George Hotel in Penrith on Friday 6th November.

The Cumberland & Westmorland Young Farmers Club formed in 1937, and became the Cumbria Federation of Young Farmers in 1974; it has 15 clubs in the northern district, and 10 clubs in the southern, and members are aged between 10 and 26 years old.

Cumbria YFC has had a fantastic year; with membership standing at 1,432. This increase is down to the hard work and commitment of the clubs existing members; through mentoring, organising social activities, fundraising, and raising awareness within farming communities of the benefits of being part of the Young Farmers network. During 2015 a Youth Forum was developed to focus on farming policy issues which effect the clubs members, and there are now two trainers within the club who are qualified to deliver the National Federation of Young Farmers training programme, in aspects of team-building, budgeting, safeguarding, communication, networking, and event planning. And at this year’s Young Farmers Annual Convention in Blackpool, Cumbria Young Farmers won the NFU Cup for Champion County for the firth year running.

Speaking after the event Rory said: “Cumbria’s Young Farmers are some of the most impressive people in our county. Many of our community leaders were once young farmers. This generation in particular has immense energy, knowledge and skills – as they have proved through their incredible record this year in winning national prizes. I know they will go on to do great things.”

Cumbria YFC County Chairman, Richard Carruthers, said: “It was great to see Rory at the AGM taking an interest in Cumbria YFC and sharing his experiences with the members.”

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