Rory was invited to see the concerns held by local businesses and residents on the safety and usability of Junction 45 from the seat of a Wm Armstrong lorry. On a tour that approached the junction from every road, he saw first hand the problems that have been caused by the closing of a northbound and southbound slip road on the junction. Rory has agreed to again contact the Highways Agency to ensure representatives are fully aware of local concerns, and has asked them to meet with the local community to discuss any potential solutions.

Rory said:

“The problems on Junction 45 are something that have been on-going now for a number of years. Its proximity to the Scottish border have meant it has not always been obvious who is responsible for any improvements, and I have worked closely with David Mundell MP to try to find a solution. ”

“In such a tough economic climate, clearly any costly road improvement projects are going to be difficult to fund. In this instance however, we would seem to have a solution that would cost very little to implement, by reopening the currently closed slip roads. I am as keen as Wm Armstrong to see the Highways Agency come up to the area to again discuss the issues on Junction 45, and I am sure we can find a sensible solution to this problem.”

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